Thoughts on Twitter?

Hey everyone.  I’m interested in learning people’s thoughts on Twitter.  It seems to be the next big MySpace/Facebook/LinkedIn social networking platform, but there are obvious limitations to the site.  What are you planning on using it for and/or who will you be communicating with?

I like the idea of keep friends/family/community in the loop of what’s going on, but I’m not sure what the business implications are.  I’ve seen some companies use it as a tool to make announcements and things of that sort, but what other things can this do for business.

Most of my friends use it to tell me they’re driving to the store or that they ust tripped over a rug.  Gavin Newsome continually updates us on new initiatives or programs he’s working on…great use of Twitter. used it to announce new product offerings.  The Onion…that’s just funny.  Those things I get.  However, I don’t see the use in things like ESPN or CNN just pasting a link to some article.  Yes, it may be breaking news, but I’ve already seen in on ESPN or CNN…why do I need to log into another application just to tell me to go somewhere else to read an article.  I understand what they’re doing, but it seems to just add more clutter to the complex social networking world we already live in.

Anyhew, I think it’s a great idea.  I’m just interested in seeing where it goes and what creative ways people use it.

Enjoy the weekend!  Looks like the weather is going to be awesome!

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